How to source the right tech candidate from LinkedIn

4 min readMay 15, 2019

Sourcing is one of the most interesting as well as the toughest part of recruiting. Interesting because you get to read about a lot of people’s profiles and tough because it is hard for the candidate that you are looking for. Finding the right candidate is not an easy job. There is plenty of tech talent out there, but the right candidate you are looking for is really hard to find. So, how do you find that right candidate your firm is looking for? The answer is through LinkedIn.

Step #1 Build a strong employer brand on LinkedIn

If you do the analysis you can see that almost every developer gets about 10–15 new job offers per week. I mean This is crazy! Now if you want to attract the candidates towards your company and make them feel like wanting to work in your company, then you must have a strong employer brand.

Now, if you want to create a very strong employer brand then first start with these:-

>Optimizing your career page.
>Post some great job openings with the dynamic job descriptions.
>Create & share content in social media so that your targeted audience starts following you.

This practice will start bringing the talents closer to you. You should work on building employer brand keeping in mind that — 70 percent of people who follow a company on LinkedIn said that they would consider working for that company if given the opportunity.

Step #2 Begin your search by knowing where to look

Now after making a strong employer brand, you have to start thinking that from where you can find the right candidate. So for that, you can follow the LinkedIn’s talent pool reports.

For example, if you are looking for Software Engineers in the USA, you can follow the talent pool report for that industry and start making plans.

Now in this report, you can understand where you have to focus to source the right candidate. In those places where the demand is high, there it is hard to hire them. But those places where the demand is low, you can start sourcing and easily hire good candidates from those locations.

Step #3: Sourcing the candidates through LinkedIn search

If you use LinkedIn on a regular basis which I believe you do, then you are very much familiar with the LinkedIn search feature. Hit the search in the top left, select people, click All Filters in the right. Here you can search the candidates in many ways; by location, Current companies, Past companies, Schools/Universities, and Titles.

Step #4 It’s time to write great personalized InMails

Now you know how you have to work on your employer branding successfully and try your best to gain some followers on LinkedIn.

After that, write some dynamic personalized InMails to connect with your suitable candidates. InMail is the best common way that recruiters first reach out to candidates. Make it personalized and try to focus on the job requirements and job roles.

Step #5 Interview

After the successful InMails, now you can set up Interview sessions. from there you can understand who is the ideal candidate for your company and who is not. But there is one thing you need to remember and that is when you are interviewing a tech candidate, you need to focus on the tech part or his/her tech skills not in his/her soft skills.

Now when you are interviewing the candidate, the candidate is also doing the same with your company. Industry analysis shows that a mass percentage of candidates change their view towards a company after a bad interview experience. So you have to be pre-planned about how you want to conduct the interview.

Step #6 Closing with selling the future

After conducting a good interview now you should start thinking about how you are going to offer the candidate an opportunity of working for you. By the record, 70–75% of professionals receive increment when they change a job. If you want to hire a candidate with the best knowledge then probably that candidate also expect more than what s/he received from the previous employer.

As per the analysis, some percent of the professionals said that they change a job, not for the money, but for the career opportunity and the same goes with the candidates who are looking for a job or want to start a career. Yes, you have to pay the candidate what they deserve, but you have to chalk out a plan and show that the candidate can have a better future in your company.




SyaRose Technology Services Inc., is a pure play IT project implementation and system integration Company.